even one day fast is beneficial i agree
it is not a matter of who say s what..
the fac tis that any fast fo rany lenght o ftime
is beneficial.
for thousands of years folks ahv edoen fastign jstu fo roen day a week for religious reasoins even..
when you fas t/ it giv es the bodya rest form digestign etc.. and heals it rejuvenate.
anygoo d atheleete knwo s you dontnonstop exercise youwilldamamge nmuscles a nd end up dlepeltign yrou energy toob oot inteh long run..
what this guy is sayign is complelty valid that THIS IS A WATERFAST FORUM.
giv ehimteh respec the deseerves.. he fought hard to get this forum aft er beign attacked an d almost driven form curezone.. because others on the other fastign forum s go t mad at him postign there and complaien dtha t he was postign
Water Fast otneh master cleanse or juicign fastin forums..
i fhtey ahd the righ tto compalin abou thim doignt that..
then he has the right to expec tto see teh same right a applied back tohim/ otehr wise it is a faulty systme.
i hav eot agree withhim.. fo rany tha twatn to discus o tehr forms of fasting in genral it is veyr disrepectfulthat this specific forum was created for water fastign discusiions.
that i mentione d my borth juice fas tin my lowe rpost was jstu to stae tha ti t was not a
Water Fast tha ti was talkign about.. my amin topic was the question concernign eatign animal proten right after or in between fasting.. it is a dangerous pracitce.
don't fight with this guy.. he has had ot under go a tlot of crap to get this f orumand there ar ethose that wan tto rea dand learn about water only fasting...