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Re: 7-day water fast for weight loss Go for it!
INDYSURFN Views: 18,646
Published: 22 y
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Re: 7-day water fast for weight loss Go for it!

Hey Lady good idea (but let me tell you a secret on water fasting). Water Fasting will reset your metabolism to normal, and kick in 5-14 days faster your complete it. However during the first 5-14 days after the fast it will be lower by 15% to 22% depending on which study you believe. So the saying that Water Fast slows down your metabolism is both True and False (temporarily slower then long-term faster). But in the end it will be faster.
But there is a huge CATCH. If you do a short fast (like you are doing) it will most likely only slow it down (depends on the person) if you want to be sure go on a 4-week fast. My first time trying (last year) I did it 28 days. It gets easier, by the 10th day you will not have an real appetite. In fact when you did the two day fast you did the hardest two days, day one through three where killer for me the first time. Then from 4 through ten it’s down hill. By day twenty you will have more power and speed than you do right now even if you took 4 cups of sweetened coffee.
PS, if you are taking any herbs or medicines they will have a multiplied effect while you are fasting, ask your doctor if you can stop them for a few weeks. That's why I cut my 30 day fast short, to 28 days last year. I was given the advice to take ‘worm wood’ a herb, by a well meaning herbalist while I was still fasting. It cause's a body order (that's normal) but, it caused a UN-STAND-ABLE one for me. Repeated washing (one batch five showers) would not stop (I washed at least 6 times in 45 minutes to no avail so I stopped the fast at 28 completed days with a orange).
I started a new fast this year my last time eating was Christmas 12-25-2003.
I'm started a 40 day fast. Last year I had the fasters’ tongue (It looks like a tongue you get when you are sick) it is coated. Anyway the reason I mention this is when you fast, your body has a way to tell you it's done, and that is when the tongue turns back to pink (just cleaner than when you started). Well mine was still coated when I took the Wormwood last year(12-29-2002). So I’m doing another fast, I purposely gained 12 pounds so I will not look too skinny by this last two weeks (since I'm a guy) No lady will be interested in me as a skinny stick! Hope that doesn’t sound sexist
PS2, If the two-day was easy for you, then you should go for it!!! Because the first two days was HAAAAARD for me last year, and I ended up doing 28 ( could have keep going). Also for motivation: Read lots of MEDICAL fasting books, while fasting (trust me)


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