I weighed 128 this morning (5’ 4” tall), which is the most I have ever weighed in my life. I left a six-figure job a few months ago to start my own business, but I have been paralyzed by uncertainty as to how to begin and my husband is getting frustrated with me. This has caused me to eat and drink too much. Now that I feel fat and insecure, I am even less productive.
My goal is to Water Fast for a week and weigh 118 my next Monday. The longest I have water fasted in the past was two days, which was easy and effective for my goal at the time. I saw this forum and figured it was a good way to make myself accountable. If you're curious, I will be logging on daily.
Day 1 (Monday, December 29, 2003) – The first day has been easy—just slight hunger pains that are easily quelled by water.