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Re: Switched to Juice Fast from Master Cleanse...
mtm672 Views: 10,849
Published: 20 y
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Re: Switched to Juice Fast from Master Cleanse...

Hello Rhonda,

Thanks for the welcome, today is basically my first full day of the juice fast. I first tried the Master-Cleanse back in may. I had previously had stomach aches frequently, high blood pressure and high cholesterol too. Being a forty year old male, I basically got a wake up call for my own health. The initial fast lasted for 8 days, and I lost about 12 lbs. I stopped snoring and felt great too.
I wanted to cleanse out my system and especially lose some extra weight.
I went back to eating vegetarian and stared using a juicer my friend gave me. I was hooked on juice then and always tryed to incorporate them in meals. My reasons for this fast are the same, basically to lose the last bit of weight and regain my health. This juice fast is awesome, seriously I am excited for the day and not dreading the lemonade mix. I feel the Master-Cleanse is a great cleanse, but juicing is just wonderful. I hope too here more from your experience and thank you for your support.



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