Re: Starting a juice fast (#3)
Hiya Wraxis!
I do give rather conservative advice, don't I? ;)
It's because most people tend to not juice a variety; they tend to just stick to a few favorites. And that is not balanced.
Since you're doing a pretty good variety, I'd up the limits. But still you have to be careful. By overdosing on juice, what I mean is that it is quite easy to reach toxic levels of vitamins, especially fat-soluble vitamins.
Vit A is a fat soluble vitamin and of course easily found in carrots. Now getting it in a veggie rather than a supplement or organ meats lowers the risk of toxicity, but it is still worth considering. Fat soluble vits stay in the body longer and are more difficult to use up and discard, especially if you're not getting healthy fats in your diet.
Vit A toxicity can mean renal failure, accumulation of water in the brain (hydrocephalus), vomiting, tiredness, constipation, bone pain, and severe headaches. The skin may acquire a rough and dry appearance, with hair loss and brittle nails. Vitamin A toxicity is a special issue during pregnancy. Expectant mothers who take 10 mg vitamin A or more on a daily basis may have an infant with birth defects.
If you're going to drink
quarts of juice a day, best to read up on all of the vitamins, especially the fat-soluble ones, toxicity symptoms.