i thought i had it cracked recently. it was almost clear for me now to know what i had to do to cure acne. with great advice from ppl on the forum... clean the bowels of old waste and parasites so they dont get re absorbed back into the blood stream before flushing, get some good probiotics and prebiotics into the diet and consume a healthy diet. but now i read about it doesnt matter if u flush or clean the bowels...if ur too acidic due to diet then this wont cure ur acne! i mean what minerals or food can i take to make sure im the right PH? if im cleaning the bowels and liverflushing will this not create a slightly alkaline environment anyway as im riding my body of acidic critters and toxic waste? i really need someone to say look...u have to do this and then this while doing this to cure acne...its just some ppl stress that concentrating on different things will cure acne...its hard to know which route to take becuase it takes alot of planning effort and in some cases money lol...