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Re: differing opinions 61595? prettysoulfoul? etc
  Views: 2,631
Published: 19 y
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Re: differing opinions 61595? prettysoulfoul? etc

"AS for 100 year old people with unhealthy lifestyles, show me one that isn't on symptomatic drugs to keep them alive? :P"

My older sister is 80 and not on symptomatic drugs to keep her alive. No diseases, degenerative or otherwise. She just had a complete physical and was given a clean bill of health. She is does not take supplements, has not done a single Liver Flush throughout her life, or a enema, or a kidney cleanse. She is known to eat junk food, although not excessively and I always warn her about eating and getting more exercise.

I know that for a fact. Does this count?



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