Something else to let you know and I promise to keep this short. When a pimple is in your system it can remain unnoticed for 2 weeks before it surfaces. In other words you could do something for 2 weeks but it doesn't mean there were things in the process during. Any major changes don't just happen the day you decide to do them you need to devote a good 4-6 weeks of that change to see if the change is good or bad.
Also quick note, a doctor that says your hormones look fine but want to put you on birth control for your Acne isn't a good doctor. If you want to go on a pill to control your Acne and not your hormones then see a dermatologist and get I think it's tetrecyclean (sp?) But unless you are needing birth control for it's main purpose I wouldn't go on it for just acne.
Hope this gives you more info to help. Lotsa luck!