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Shame is abusive.
Fish out of Water Views: 3,710
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 66,542

Shame is abusive.

Adultery, gambling, drinking, credit card charging, abusing women, neglect, pride, lack of education...all have been changed by guilt and shame.
End Quote.

The very thing you list as an undesirable is the thing you are doing: Abusing women.

It is abusive to attempt to shame women into losing weight by making derogatory remarks about their body parts.

By the way, no one has asked you to take on the cause of shaming us overweight women into losing weight. I can guarantee that your tactics will never work, not even with any woman close to your life.

Why don't you just worry about your own body and leave the rest of us alone to deal with our own bodies? You don't have to have roaming eyes and look at the overweight women of the world. And if you do happen to notice one, why not have some compassion for her? Or have you never been overweight and thus have no idea of the daily struggle we endure?

Get some compassion in your heart.

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