It's people like you that give negative critisism and no real answers that make me sick! Do you really think Black woman hold the market on stretch pants and obesity. You bring new meaning to the word Masoginist! What country are you from and I think they are very lucky you left and how very lucky we are to have gotten such an expert on fat rear ends and thighs as you. America the beautiful! Love it or leave it. If you don't have something to say that helps someone then you are part of the problem! So go back to where you came from and please shut your ignorant pie hole. Did someone say PIE! I love PIE! I'm not black, nor do I wear stretch pants, But that was pretty typical. Boreing is the kiss of death in this world and you may be just that! I'm sure everyone beautiful is dying to be with you! Hey! BOZO, look at these thighs!