You know, I've read a whole lot of posts over the many years of solving problems on AOL, MSN, and now Curezone (relationships, love/sex, racial, political, and the like)...but it really gets back to one basic problem that women make over and over: BAD CHOICE OF A MATE. I'm a guy, so believe me when I tell you all this, GUYS CAUSE SO MANY MORE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD THAN FEMALES. True statement. There are more loser guys on the planet than loser women. Fact. So many disasters could be avoided if women just take an honest look at who they're bedding down, who they take up with, who they live with, and who they accept affections from. American women truer statement about American society has ever been stated. They settle for whatever male garbage they find. The dog could have 15 negatives and 3 positives and they take him in "no questions asked". Then they have children with this disgrace and wonder "what went wrong?"! There should be classes for this because the lack of common sense, street smarts and just good 'ol gut instincts are off the charts. Generations have been lost because of this. How much better could America be if women ceased settling for sub-par in their men? Answer that one. Women don't know what makes a decent boyfriend, engaged man, and finally...a sound decent husband. Not a clue. Today's females take up with a guy, bed him down, live with him before he shows any commitment whatsoever. Here's a little hint: Guys don't like commitment. Newsflash! I just want all the women out there to know that YOU DON'T HAVE TO SETTLE. You deserve better out of the boyfriends you select. You deserve better out of the future husbands you engage. And you deserve a better father for your children from the guy who just said "I do."