1 1/2 cups coconut oil
1 1/2 cups honey
1 cup cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional, tastes fine without it)
Dump it all in the blender and mix till smooth. Pour it into a pan (I use a 9x13 glass pan) and let it set up. Depending on your climate and time of year you may need to refrigerate it if it's over 70 degrees or so in your kitchen. Cut into small pieces and try not to eat it all the first day.
When I first came across this recipe I was very skeptical so I only made half the recipe. When I poured it into the pan I tasted it and WOW! I immediately doubled it. This is incredibly easy and tastes like the finest cooked fudge. I use virgin coconut oil, raw honey (the thick chewy kind) organic cocoa powder and himalayan salt. I keep it in the fridge and eat a piece every day. I eat it slowly, savoring it and feeling that life is decidedly satisfactory.