Re: John, some guidance please...
Berries and cream are mentioned in both flushes #2 and #3 in the
Liver Flush section. I didn't use either one specifically (I kinda tailored it to the Dr. Clark one, but ate berries and cream for dinner until I ran out of them... heh...).
Naturally, my organic, heavy whipping cream was whipped...
For Epsom salt, you could try substituting some magnesium citrate. Laura's doing that, I believe... I haven't checked to see if she's reported the results yet.
Personally, I'm learning to like Epsom salt. *wink*
Other possibilities: Maybe you could try reducing the concentration of the
Epsom Salt mixture? And someone told me (I forget who, sorry!) that using freshly juiced Granny Smith apples with the Epsom salt, instead of just water, helps get it down. Your mileage may vary. And maybe there is some way you could get used to Epsom salt, perhaps by taking a small amount every now and then. But, given the difficulty you've had with it, I think I'd just go to a pharmacy and ask for some magnesium citrate instead.
I've found that after drinking the second dose of Epsom salt, my hunger usually wanes, and then I'm only really "hungry" because I've gotten so fixated on it. I also feel light-headed and a bit strange -- not nauseous, though -- but I'm learning to like that, too...
You might want to check out all the different liver flushes. Some of them discuss handling nausea, but since I've never been nauseous from the flush, I don't have any particularly good advice about how I handle it.