Thanks for your comments. I think as I have doing a bit of this and a bit of that I am not sure what's doing what. The main thing I am worried about is the mercury especially this awful weird headache that is with me all day so I am hoping that Dr Vinograd can give me some more advice. Luckily for me I have always drink a lot of water and have upped my intake recently. The problem is that I live in the UK and a lot of info and products recommeded on this site is not available here. There is a supplier that does Triphala so I might try that as that has some good reports. I even resorted to taking two senna laxatives last night which worked but not that great. I have again started to take MSM today. Someone had posted a negative about it saying it drives the mercury to the brain which really worried me but after much searching and posts to Dr V. etc I think that was wrong - Crikey I hope so! Do you know anything about the colour of the pads. I have read that different colours relate to different organs but I thought you had to place them on the reflexology points. This confuses me. The pad I took off this morning was dark green and white in the middle which was exactly the kidney area - even the shape. That would link as I feel the past few days with the urine and rumblings in my left kidney area that something was happening. I have also been thinking that I should have done the parasite cleanse first. I had some pumpkin seeds and saw what I thought was something the other day but am so confused! Anyway I'm off to take some olive oil as I read in one of Shelleycat's posts that it works well. Hope so..