most every web i goto to get new recipe ideas and says they are vegan.. always turn out to be dairy use which i am non dairy also lol so frustrating... or they have soem of the most incredible blah taste soundign recipes..
i like food and i like tasty food and i see no reason why jsut being 90% vegan has to mean be so stringent.. or give reason to then eat more soy or dairy.
i say 90 % vegan cause i do eat chicken or turkey occasionaly and eggs occasionally.
you know we ought to corral the gals and guys and make a curezone recipe book !! *smile) and every one try the recipes and see wha tones coudl go into a phamplet style cookbook/ jucing ones etc/ or even just have a download or a page read so folks could print it on own or earmark a page as a favorite to try out.
then folks could print out the full thing if wnated too and put it together in their own notebook ho whtey want
just a thought.