i know i felt liek that a few weeks ago my slef/
but i jstu kep looking at the good chages tha tr were goign on also....
i have had an incredible y relaly negative stres sin my life this past week/ which i won't go into here... but at leas ti ahve gotten thru it better than i woudl have in teh past...
altho it has driven me back behind closed windows for a whiel *(
at least i feel healthier !!! lol/// til i sort out wah tis goign on.. and knwoign at least i ahve doen wha ti could logiaclly to deal with it.
anyhow... yes sicn ei got this zapper i am gettign soem die off too/ so i am trying to keep bowels movign to keep toxins goin gout/ and also after redign a few Dr. Vinogards posts...
remmebered my first goal tos to detox my kidneys etc/ and when i get super light colore doff them , then i can experiment around...
i jsut got caught up in the fun of experimentin glol and seeign results!!! so last night i put them back on soel sof my foot and they came back light yello mossy green... so feel liek i am makign progess..
i am goign to stick with his recommendatiosn and jsut do it there for a while... sicne my origianl goal was to amek sure kidnes adn etc were detoxed first.
i wan to do the
Liver Flush so bad ... i am so chicken lol !!!
i don't mign teh thougt o fth eoilvie oil grapefruit i jstu wonder if i willb e able to stoamch salty drinks/ the epsom slats... BOB said i coudl mix the epsom in grapefriu t jstu if wanted to so i might do that...i was thinkign of doign that this weekend but then ihave read form others... to do the organic apple cider drinks to soften stuuff first for about 4/5 days so i guess that means next week then..
i wish ihad soem oen to hold my ahdn thru this lol i am relaly concerend even tho i knwo it is safe... *brakkkk brakb rak brak *
color me..... yellow *laugh*
Ami B.