good luck on your baths btw/
hey. oh yes i am in LOVE with this terminator !!!
i think jsu thtses 4 things/ the pads, the zapper/ (which was 110 $ which seems to be the basic price for the terminator at allthe webs i checked)
Clarkia and th eoil of oregano seem to be doign incredible wonders with me .. god i am feeling almost invincible *laugh*
muc more energy/ even my ex commended on ho wmuch more vibrant and clear soundign iwas on the phone...the thing si thought we maybe hypothyrodism related... are disappearign fast...
my palms are looking pink and halthy... my hoarse voice is almsot gone... it has been in teh 40's at night and 50's in day ans we have no inside heating... an di have been wearign a cotton dres swith light sweter /thin on... no sockes jsut flip flps and jstu feeling slgithly cool/ esp if i wash dishes....
so ithink i amight actuall y survive this winter !!! with jstu soem long johns and soem goo dnew socks...
(last winter all i coudl do was sit huddle din a chari hal f teh tiem freezing !! )
i have renewed my exercicing and tryign to pace thign s slow/
bu ti swear i feel liek i coudl do a full hour workout if i pushe dmyself !!!
i spent 2 days sorting theu soem collectibles i have to try sell on ebay get soem money/ do winter need fixups with/
and nto a sniffle (from teh dust opening up old boxes..)
and i acomplishe dwha ti wanted to do in 2 days... what before rpboaly woudl have taken me 2 motnhs havign to stop rest a lot...)
i swear i am goign to give folks i knwo fo rchristamas a gift box of oil o foregano and foot pads in it !!! thanks god i don't know hardly any on e *laugh* since tha t coudl get expensive...
if had alot of folsk to buy for !!! and i am feelign stingy with my stuff lol it has helpe dme so much...
i am hoping that other si knwo will try soem of these 4 things
esp after the see and hear the drastic results i am having...
esp since hty e know me... and kn wothat what i say is true cause they can hear it for them selves.
anyhow when i get a bit of time i will tellyo umore .. rightnow i ahve world sof stuff toc atch up on and thank god the energy now to tackel it/// it is wonderful to felel heathty again and energetic Ami B.