Re: update/ last night
Wrenn! You are one lucky lady! I want a zapper! I've been wanting one, and I hope to get one in a few months! Will likely go with the Deluxe zapper with programs. It's been suggested to me that I get a Frequency Generator, but I don't think I'm ready for something that I would need to know the frequencies of all the different problems I have. (^_^)
Anyhow, let us know of any improvements you might have brought on by the new equipment, okay?
As for me, I did the pads today. Not exciting on the results. Definitely there is still dark brown there, but I may not have gotten the pads secured well enough since the pads were only 1/2 colored in brown. I was in a hurry to get off to work so wasn't able to take as much time with getting them on right. Oh well, there's tomorrow.
Am working up to the magnetic foot baths! Then maybe a full clay bath. I have to get one of those cloth masks (that builders use) and something to stir the clay and herbs together before I can do one.
The clay baths sound very powerful. After doing a bath, the used water can cause a chemical burn from the toxins in it so you have to wear surgical gloves when you're disposing of it. The only thing I'm worried about is a huge die-off reaction. But for super toxic people like me, it's suggested that 1/2 the usual amount of clay/herbs be used. Makes sense to me.