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Re: MERCURY for the IGNORANT - energetic Diagnostics TESTING - ???
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Re: MERCURY for the IGNORANT - energetic Diagnostics TESTING - ???

Actually MIKE, Mercury is being EMITTED into the U.S. Atmosphere at a rate of 40 tons per year by unethical and irresponsible INDUSTRY - our FISH in our lakes and rivers, and most seas/oceans are FULL of mercury. Who KNOWS what's been sprayed in Chemtrails, but we know barium, and aluminum (also in all salt legally for sale in America) are two tested metals in this.

Mercury is in our food, water, and air if you are in AMERICA. If you have cleaned it up, don't expect to STAY clean for long. Most Americans also have it in their ALMAGAMS or TOOTH FILLINGS, and as Dr. Hulda Clark states in most all of her books, are getting it from their TEETH (metal fillings too).

Do some testing, and most of you will be surprised, as well as a little research, on just how SERIOUS, ONGOING, and PREVELANT the MERCURY issue truly is.

As for your testing Mike, I'd suggest you stop listening to what your doctors tell you about what causes and doesn't cause colitis, or inflamed colon, and start DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH. There is NO LICENSE NEEDED to DO YOUR OWN THINKING and YOUR OWN RESEARCH - - - - - - - - and if and when that time comes, you need to MOVE to a country where ONE IS NOT NEEDED.

PERIOD. What IDIOT would trust a local medical doctor for "knowledge" and "research" when JAMA reported they were America's NUMBER 3 LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH?

Yep Mike, seems a too many people have that brain fog ;) By the way, when developing the LYME's frequency sets, CANDIDA and or FUNGUS is a side effect of ZAPPING or using frequencies to KILL off the first set of pathogens involved... that's why a SECOND SET and THIRD SET maybe (or treatments) necessary to KILL that off too... It's like when SOME people ZAP A PARASITE, and OUT POPS a VIRUS,,,

Like PANCREATIC FLUKES... you PLATE ZAP THEM, and OUT POPS HERPES SIMPLEX 1 often times... THEN you better be ready to ZAP HERPES SIMPLEX 1.

I'd STOP being ANGRY, and TAKE ACTION, DO THE TESTS and TESTINGS. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, and SEE what you find. You might be surprised, EDUCATED, and HEALED... if you FOLLOW THROUGH... who knows. It's ALL in your hands, DON'T expect your DOCTOR's TO DO IT ALL FOR YOU.

from past experience, and those of friends, and family, I use a combination of 3 tests to "find" what I or "they" need for pulse generation therapy or "frequency therapy" -

1. Radionics Saliva Test via Dr. Richard Loyd -

2. Photoanalysis - described in detail by former National Institutes of Health board member and medical research scientist Dr. Jeffery Sutherland -

3. Fscan II - A Class 1 Licensed Medical Device in Germany & Switzerland, I use an imprinter (plate) and anatomy slides to run dirps/scans focused on the tissues (organs/etc.) sampled on the imprinter (plate) or ANATOMY slide (microscopic slide with tissue sample), etc.

Using ALL 3 of these techniques USUALLY is a WELL ROUNDED and THOROUGH APPROACH in detecting PATHOGENS involved in this *research* and *expiramentation*.

Synchrometer testing is yet another method, though QUITE expensive and time intensive, as one will have to have an array of slides, particularly PATHOGEN SLIDES, and some practice and experience to do it properly - though I personally ASPIRE to master this method of testing someday myself too :)

Therefore, I go with 1. 2. 3. as given above, and know that typical BLOOD TESTS, while being useful, are ABSOLUTELY USELESS when detecting borna virus, viral tb, and a pleuthora of other pathogens that most medical doctors ignorantly ignore or believe that only the flesh and blood ANIMAL kingdom can be infected with.

Doing 1. 2. or 3. without the other, or just one part, and NOT ALL 3, is in my experience with self and MANY others, STUPID, NOT THOROUGH, and incomplete when trying to get to the bottom of what is a possible CAUSE (pathogens - solvents being the OTHER HALF that SYNCROMETER and some radionics saliva testing address) or HALF of the cause.

Example. I had a girlfriend who had seen the VERY best medical doctors in Russia, Ukraine, and the U.S.A. -

Dr. Sutherland's photoanalysis detected presence of candida albicans - I used the FScan II to scan and find SCHISTOSOMAS, and confirmed it by paid consultation and review of those EMAILED scans to Dr. Sutherland. A radionics saliva test she submitted revealed the SA VIRUS in the female organs, bladder, and kidneys.


Her problem? Urinary incontinence... at 22 years of age, so bad, she had to take 10-20 trips to the toilet each night, disturbing repeatedly her sleep. All the best of the best medical doctors in Ukraine, Russia, and the U.S. FAILED utterly to help her with numerous medications, tests, etc. She found relief in one week after testing and frequency therapy.

ONE HAS TO KNOW ALL OF THE PATHOGENS involved (parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc.) to DO IT RIGHT, and to BE THOROUGH.

Do less than that, and you "may" be wasting your time, or simply not doing the job correctly.

I could go on, but I think I've shared more than enough. 1. 2. 3.
1/3 of you have VIRAL TB, so say Scientists and Researchers - 1/3 of the globe. That means MANY of you READING THIS have it. Good luck finding out through local medical doctors - they don't even (most) know it exists... let alone how to detect and or TEST for it... same with the BORNA VIRUS - yet STANFORD, and top universities in Germany and Japan know... and it's real, and it too affects MANY Of you.


Good luck.


HA! Look at Dr. Clark, Dr. Shulze, Royal Rife, Hoxley, Beck (attacked, raided at 4:00 a.m. by F.D.A.), TESLA, WILLIAM REICH (ORGONE), Dr. John Christopher, ETC.

Dr. Christopher couldn't leave the house without possibility of being ARRESTED that day (herbalism). Shulze was arrested for SAYING anything wrong about CANCER at some of his SPEECHES. Clark was jailed, but the P.A. got DELUGED with over 29,000 FAXES, PHONE CALLS, and LETTERS from AROUND THE WORLD from THOSE WHO HAVE HEALED THEMSELVES using her BOOKS, PROTOCOLS, and METHODS.

Etc. Etc. Dr. Lorraine Day explains why Cancer IS BIG BUSINESS - but funny, Dr. Shulze says it best when it's the other "competitors" in the natural health ie. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE feild who make the "calls" to investigative agencies ie. FEDS to put their "competition" out of business. ;))))


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