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Re: Plate zapping.../ vtool
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Re: Plate zapping.../ vtool

vtool, Let me start by telling you that I know zilch when it comes to bioelectrics, and assume the wealth of knowledge you have posted is credible, and in no way want you to think this post is intended to be aurgumentative. Having said that, I am confused by the following.

"P.S. I use one "plate" with the Fscan II, though Dr. Clark mentions ways to use several plates, and so on, at one time, and or to increase the effectiveness, and so on. I personally use radionics saliva testing (, the Fscan II dirping and scans"

Aubrey Scoon wrote the following research article regarding the F scan which was pretty critical of the device. Yes I know this is not the Fscan 11, and I couldn't find similar writings for the updated devices. Do you know if these alleged problems ( If at all problems) have been addressed in the later F165, and the f2?

He is very skepical in particular of the DIRP function.

"The manufacturer is vague about what DIRP is actually supposed to be. It claims to be anacronym for “Dual Integration Resonance Procedure”, however this procedure is notdescribed anywhere in sufficient detail to make a technical evaluation from the presentationalone.In the F-scan manual, page 22 it claims that “DIRP” is a newly invented automated procedureto get a resonance feedback from a patient if a frequency is fed to him. It goes on to associatethe alleged “resonance feedback” frequencies with frequencies assigned to pathogens by Dr Hulda Clark . Which reinforces the idea that these “resonance feedback” frequencies are equivalent to “pathogen resonances”.I have extensively analysed the F-scan and what it is doing during this “DIRP” scan. I can state definitively that it does not detect “pathogen resonances” (or any other form of“resonance”) in any shape or form (assuming that pathogen resonances exist). Furthermorethere is no evidence that the machine detects anything at all related to the body of a patient,and I believe therefore that it only measures electrical noise which it generates itself due topoor circuit design. I will describe this function and something of the hardware of the F-scanin detail in order to prove this point."

Anything you can add to clear up this confusion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



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