Re: Sine Wave vs. Sq. Wave output-Does your zapper have?
You bring up some very good points. Would I recommend the RSG-1 again, by Scada Research? It seemed to work GREAT for a year or two. I had it beyond it's warranty. I had DEFINITE and VERY REAL DIE OFF effects... I DID NOT sleep the first night I did the Beck from the 4hz microcurrent delivered from this device into my blood... a symptom Dr. Clark clearly warns about and recommends the amino acids for (orginine and arnithine (sp?) to reduce the nitrogen let off into the brain.
So, the very cool thing about this device is, that you CAN do general zapping with Clark's two frequencies for that (not sure if that's up to date, but one has to research that and find out). So you can do beck, and clark with this device. That's VERY cool really, but just for general stuff. I personally would go for Beck in almost all situations, but NOT all. Like for the borna virus... we want to hit that as soon and specifically as we can... and if it affects you like it does me, YOU MUST. So, I am not sure if Beck protocols can do that... I haven't expiramented directly for that... I rely on Dr. Sutherland's APBA and am using the Fscan to try to pin it down, OR THE DIFFERENT STRAINS that come along!!! A serious issue!
I am personally going with the F165, but am awaiting a powerpack, and am in Eastern Europe at the moment, so there are problems with shipping (big ones). The pack it was sent with DIDN't WORK!!! We had to buy a voltage meter and test it ourselves, after assuming it was because the converter (to european stander) wasn't working with it, and so on. But we discovered it was the POWERPACK that was at fault from the get go (recieved by shipment in America).
So to be up on the latest, I trust a lot in Dr. Sutherland's work... but I DO NOT rely only on him, and his testing, and he knows that. It was the radionics saliva test that caught my viral TB, and Dr. Richard Loyd's work and research and experience with that, that has helped guide me somewhat in addressing this most serious pathogen. But can I afford his entire protocol and device recommendations??? NO, I cannot. I already have $8,000 in equipment. So I do with what I have, and continue to LEARN. Whew.
But I know this is why I am here, literally, one specific purpose... why I have the challenge (health and otherwise). I know this without a shadow of a doubt. It's an interesting story, really, and beyond most people's understanding or imagination for that matter, but isn't all great
Science ahead of it's time???
The F165 is a super cable and powerful device, but pricy. But that's what I am going with, in tandem with paid consult to Dr. Sutherland... we focus mainly on the borna virus issue, while I wait for results in another week or two on the radionics saliva test.... and a brief phone consult with Dr. Richard Loyd...
I'll use the F165 and both localize the electrode and plate zap with a lymph anatomy slide to my inner right thigh when I get the power pack in... for 24 days 30 minutes a day, per Dr. Sutherland's F165 program and consult... this frequency program mimicking the frequencys and effect of a very effective cancer drug.
Trust me, I don't understand all about scalar waves, radionics, and even frequencies... but literally,,, my "angels" do, and that's exactly why I am cursed/blessed with the position and challenge in this life that I have... but one would have to understand the Kabballah to 'buy' into that, perhaps, pun intended :) I just know from years of working in this area (nursing and residential care) and with my own disease, that I wouldn't be here right now without these doctors, their research, and ongoing support and exchange from these forums, and so on...
It's a tough call... what's your goal? What's your purpose? You see, when I first bought the RSG-1, I did it in prepping for the bioweapons, the plague outbreaks... and bought the MPG5 LATER,,, and WZO4 LATER.... why??? I wanted to be prepared for the "terrorists" ie. Intelligence agencies proxy with terrorists ie. pharmaceutical companies release of these weaponized viruses and bacteria in the near future... I had owned the RSG-1 before I ever became ill... so I never used it until after a visit to a person who practiced naturapathy and iridology... was told I had
parasites in my brain, and got to zapping.... and the story progresses from there (I had already been sick at that point, and was looking for the treatment, and CURE). I new of Curezone, started reading up on Clark, because I had already known of Sam Biser, had his course, and Dr. Richard Shulze, but had talked to Shulze staff and knew what while his programs did miraculous work, they did little for what I deal with.
So to be able to answer more properly to your questions, what are your goals, your budget, your use/purpose for these devices??? General health? Fighting Cancer? Borna Virus? just
parasite elimination? Diabetes? Heart Disease?
You spending $20 or $10,000? What's your methods of testing both devices and for your pathogens/health? Will you be like me and use your device for 2 and half months and discover it wasn't working on one output??? (Fscan II_) Will you DIE from that lack of instruction and knowledge of how to use it properly? Or will you get WELL when all other medical doctors (local clinics and hospitals) never gave you a chance beyond being medicated into a stupor, and staying out of the hospital was a slim chance??? Or will you be like me, continue to learn, grow, research, and travel the world :) I jest with the last comment, to an extent, but to another extent, I HATE the stupidity and ignorance of the doctors I once went to, and their absolute ignorance in face of evidence I had of alternative medicine, and EVEN THEIR OWN medicine. I'll never forget those experiences... I had to EDUCATE my own Doctor to a few things... Crazy, but true. NO ONE has a monopoly on knowledge, or experience.
Please be more specific, and perhaps I can offer some ideas?