You make some good points in this post, since I'm completely ignorant of zapping protocols, schmatics and such, I still have questions.
Also, IS YOUR ZAPPER USING THE NEWEST AND LATEST UPDATED CIRCUIT??? Can your manufacturer/distributor PROVE this??? -
You make this point, but how does a consumer get the mfg to ethically prove their product?
Croft's Terminator Zapper looks like a good one, but so far I haven't been able to find out if it has square waves. (I also haven't determined if it is what I need.) Regardless, it doesn't necessarily make Croft's zapper ineffectual, right? Many people were skeptical of Clark's zapper until years later when the Univ of WA did a study and found her product worthy.
You mention the RSG-1
Even though your unit stopped working for whatever reasons, would you still recommend the combination unit or is it best to get individual units?