Re: The Terminator
This is exactly what you said "One of the things that seems interesting about the Terminator, is that the technology is a cross between zapping and magnetic pulsing."
To be clear, this is, and was my exact reply: "I don't believe at all the Terminator will act as a magnetic pulser, nor replace magnetic pulsing or oscillating magenetic fields, which have been U.S. Patented proven to neutralize pathogens or microbes, and the MPG5 itself being now or at one time a CLASS 2 LICENSED Medical Device in Canada."
I am sure you know the difference now, however, to be clear to other readers of these posts (in some case months or years into the future perhaps ie. internet archives/libraries, I just want to comment that I disagree with the idea completely that the Terminator would in any way be connected with "magnetic pulsing" or delivering oscillating magnetic feilds. It's a completely different thing altogether, and the magnetic pulser itself was designed to reach organs, nerve sheath, and LYMPH specifically LYMPH fluids which are TWO TIMES the VOLUME of blood in the body, and precisely why it's super important to get the lymph fluid (sewage system where all the bacteria, viruses, etc. especially LATENT form of virus go) in the body to have a full successful (particularly long term) protocol :)
It's kind of funny... I have been blessed and cursed to learn this... My MAIN Angel in Qabbalistic Astrology IS Medical Magnetism, while my Solar Angel is over the laws of oscillation and vibration, and so on... it's so accurate it's mind blowing ;)