lookingforanwsers, How are you doing? It must be just awful to watch your friend go through this. You might take him to see some sort of natural doctor. Maybe you could get him in to see Hulda Clark . I wish I knew a little more about schitzophrenia. In the back of her book she has an index of differant types of diseases. schitzophrenia is refrenced to pages 211, 261, 262. The first refrance says that copper plumbing pipes (even as small as 2 inches) could be causing schitzophrenia. The second two refrances lead to the section about schitzophrenia where she explains exatly how to get rid of it (do a word search for schitzophrenia at this site http://sbherbalremedies.com/books/the_cure_for_all_diseases.html ). I am pretty sure she knows what she's talking about. I'll keep praying for him, okey!