I also went to college for Biology. Her final degree was for Naturopathy from Clayton College in Birmingham.
This is one of the complaints of the quackwatch groups as the school does not appear to be well rated. I do not agree with them at all though. The lack of high level recognized accreditation does not mean it is not a good school. Clayton College is just a few miles from where I live. It is also close to where I went to school at UAB.
Dr. Clark last studied biology in 1959 and much has changed since then, but she has done an amazing job of pushing the limits of the knowlege that is available.
A lot of the things that they teach in college today were not even known back in 1959. One thing that all schools of biology neglect is the use of electricity against micro-organisms ( parasites ). I have selectively read over 30 current textbooks on microbiology and none of them even mentions using electricity. This is criminal if nothing else.