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Re: Strange zapping side effects?
freelastchance Views: 8,410
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 652,980

Re: Strange zapping side effects?

I guess I'm missing this long deal, but I just have a couple of comments and I'm done -

One reason why someone would not be satisfied with the ZP would be, they expect something big and something that they can feel. When they see it, they doubt, when they use it, they don't think they feel anything or maybe just a little something, so wether or not it is helping them, they don't stick with it. Maybe they even figure "Hey, I heard PZ say his was better, this one must not be working, so I'll try his." When they try the PZ, it's big, it's more believable, and they can feel it (because of the higher voltage, exlusively by PZ), so it's assumed that it is working. Also, when money is a factor, spending more might make you feel more obligated to use it. Thus, satifaction goes to the fancier model, but not nessecarily better results as far as actual Zapping goes.

If ParaZapper is with Rife and Beck etc, the claims are different, the research is different and people should know. Personally, I wouldn't use a Rife or Beck without proffesional assistance, and while it could work better overall in getting rid of infection etc, it's still dangerous, as Chemo and Radiation are dangerous. You weigh the chances. You do what you have to when you have limited time. (I would consider such methods if I had cancer and very limited time, though I would expect not to get cancer because I use the ZP regularly)

ParaZapper may stand on their own feet about this, I have no problem with that, but as far as Dr. Clark goes, it's not all from her and people need to consider this when chosing a Zapper.


It seems you have fun with your statistics, but you can't base their customer satisfaction on Curezone members or even on people who call you for an upgrade. You don't know how many they manufactor/produce (I don't either) so it's not legit to simply draw a conclusion from here. For all we know, 10 people who are not satisfied could be out of 100-1000 people, which would be only 10%-1% dissatisfaction. The rest could be delighted with their Zappers, and be the ones who barely know how to use the internet. Who knows, ZP might have a hoard of testimonials, but just don't publish them.

Top of the day to you!


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