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Re: Experiment
ParaZapper Views: 2,358
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 652,094

Re: Experiment

>- Do you think this penetrative effect will be much more powerful against acne?

Yes, but I would suggest going further.

#1 The rings are too small of a contact area., get a 4 ft length of 3/4 copper pipe from home depot ( $5 ) and cut up 2 pieces about 4 inches long, solder 2 wires to them and connect that to your zapper. Be sure to wrap the pipes in paper towels soaked in salt water ( 1 tsp to 6 oz ).

#2 After you have tried this for a couple of weeks, cut 2 more pieces of the copper pipe 8 - 10 inches long, solder to 2 long wires and connect both to the positive wire and place them under your feet ( wraped in wet paper towels again ).

Each step you will notice a definite improvement.

The get a ParaZapper CCa and use the same paddles. You will notice a definite difference again. ( you can use the CCa for 10 days and then send it back if you wish ).

Also, you can place the positive copper paddle on your face but not close to the eye sockets. Try moving it around as you zap.



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