It the moment I needing it put to me in that step by step way (no doubt it will all be clearer once I have finished reading The Cure For All Diseases ). I can't get rid of my pet - recently got a kitten after years of no pet - as I will be working more with animals in the future anyway (Bach flower remedy practitioner and soon to be accredited with working wth animals - besides what would I do if I was a Vet? I presume just Zap every second day or something and regularly do the parasite cleanse.)
I need to type out what one does in sequence and take it from there. Also what about the tooth zapplicator? Should one only start using that AFTER one has done a parasite cleanse?
Sorry if I am sounding a bit dumb about it all - I'll get there eventually. Right now I am trying to figure out in which sequence I should get the various zappers.