Sounds like die-off to me! How long you using the Terminator for? Try leaving it on longer if possible and drink plenty of water for the first week at least. You must put in your system the recommended amount of water a day avg 2L. This is why I like Ozone as a protocol because it helps flush the junk taken out by zappers etc far more quicker with less Herx reactions. It might last a few more days. Did you ever cleanse your Organs prior? Sounds like you haven't! My mother aftr using a Terminator for 1 hour got really sick about 3-4 hours later. This lasted just through the night with nausea symtoms and bad headache. I know her liver wasn't great back then due to previous Cholesterol tablets damaging an enzyme. Now shes fine and she never got anything the next time she used the "T" ;-) Go with the flow and i promise your health with sparkle. You must have many parasites and problems within you. Dont forget the avg person holds about 3lbs of these gits! Terminator zappers are very quick at killing than some other methods so you will get die-off.