You say the Hulda model did nothing for you, can you prove this? I doubt it very much, I would say its killed some junk within you even if you dont notice or feel it. Hulda's zapper was poor for body penetration I will admit. You must not tarnish other zappers because of the one you had. Your one could also have been faulty if not working at all. I dont think snubbing Terminators, Ultimate Zappers and Jaguar Ent zappers is a good thing based on old experiences. Your missing out I promise you and you've bound to have seen peoples quite reactions to Terminators recently? They work I promise and so do all the users here. Anyway its up to you what you decide and what times you use. I suggest if you dont use the equipment correctly then you shouldn't be surprised by die-off. The only problem is you could hurt yourself and thats the opposite of what we aim to achieve here.