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Re: Why I'm Doing This (intro/open invitation)
Katie-V Views: 1,046
Published: 22 y
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Re: Why I'm Doing This (intro/open invitation)

Many thanks to Blueskyz and Hopinso for opening up a very interesting and relevant topic. I have been reading this board for a few weeks, and I find everyone to be enlightened and intelligent and focused.
I believe Joanne also opened up the topic of why we have been drawn to what is a very rigid way of living for 10 or more days - by way of living I mean that food and eating and the rituals surrounding it are very integral parts of society. This becomes very apparent when one begins MC.
Like Hopinso, I am on Day 8, and have been very emotional the past few days. I attributed it to day to day stress, until I read the posts linking the emotion to detoxification of the organs. Now that I know others are experiencing it, I embrace it as an important part of this process. It is wonderful being free of cravings (sugar, carbs, caffeine, that wine with dinner), and wish more people could experience this feeling of not needing substances that perk you up, or ones which slow you down, and trying to find a balance that makes you feel just right!
I heard about this program a few weeks ago, and it just spoke to me. Physically I have been feeling bloated, and just full of "junk" (for want of a better term). Emotionally I am spent from a series of traumatic revelations, serious marital problems, all coupled with physicians medicating me with drugs which made me feel worse! I needed to get these all out of my system, and I consider it a blessing that I heard about MC.
It has not been easy forgoing food for 8 days. Unlike many of you, I am not a raw/vegan/vegetarian follower, but have followed it in the past, but now I feel my body needs something more nutritious than what I have been giving it. And I realize the body does not need much fuel, as long as it's good fuel! On the days I work out, I'm more hungry, as I should be. When I finish the MC, I will LISTEN to my body more, give it what it needs, so that it can help me when I need to deal with Life's travails.
I look forward to reading all of your posts on the subject, and thank you for your insight .


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