Why I'm Doing This (intro/open invitation)
Hopsino opened this morning reminding herself that the depression she is experiencing is emotional detoxing. And as a few of us following her thread have further commented on (i'll skip the lengthy summarization!), detoxing is more than just physical (if you haven't read that thread - start with hopsino's "DAY 8 - ROUGH NIGHT" and follow it on through). Rachel is experiencing some depression as well. Others whose posts I have read are dealing – or not dealing – with tangential issues that are directly resulting from their decision to do the MC.
So with that in mind, let's take this fasting thing to a different level. Instead of focusing primarily on the physical aspects of what our bodies are doing, the steps and specifics, let's share the NON tangible parts of our journey. For instance:
- Why did I decide to do this cleanse?
- What have I encountered emotionally in the process?
- Was it more than I expected?
- How am I dealing with it?
- Is there a possibility I am NOT dealing with it?
- How do I feel? (depressed, serene, calm, frightened, etc)
- Have I grown as a result of this experience? If so, how?
You get the idea.
There is a lot of gathered wisdom in this forum. We each bring something different to the table; thus, we are each in a position to assist another. The emotional aspects of what is taking place are no less significant than the physical, yet they are often overlooked – or not even considered in the first place. As each of us finds our way on our own path to where we are going, we have the chance to be – in every encounter - both teacher and student.
So I encourage every one to tell their tale, to be real and be true. We are faceless and basically anonymous people here. I’ve seen no judgment, nor is there reason for it to suddenly make an appearance. What problems you share, another can assist you with. What joys you experience might light the path for someone having difficulty.
I’ll throw my own in there – but under a separate entry.