All bibles are wrong
....because they are written, edited and messed around with by men. Men with axes to grind.
"If you don't believe the bible, what do you have?"
A healthy spiritual mindset for starters where you remain open to *all* possibilities. In such an open mindset you can expand your awareness and see things form many viewpoints (the very "unfiltered" essence of God). You also lose a ton of fear in the process when you realize that you aren't being ruled by a hitleresque gawd figure in a topsy turvy creation that has him changing his mind (on one hand he is all knowing and on the other he is suprised at what we do and then has to punish us..weird). You gain a balanced view that begins to make sense because it isn't shrouded in hipocricy where the misapplied notion of "faith" is used to patch up all the loose ends that don't jive with your natural sensibilities. You get a balanced view of what this experience is and how to make the most of it. When you are ready to disolve the myth, the dogma, the collective lie, then the bellowing gawd from the bible, the tyrannt figure who says love me OR ELSE, vanishes like a childhood bogey man. *POOF* You will also, then, most likely never fall prey to any other closed loop spiritual traps. When you leave these traps behind, alot of fear leaves with them and you are open to explore again, to expand, and create as a less filtered God. You have left one ot the big traps. A collective trap that you needed to experience so you can compare and anchor your new awareness.
We live in a dualistic creation in order for God to experience itself. Without 2 points god is not able to have an experience. It is thru ego (the egoic vehicle) that god is able to create the seperation in itself, to create a veil, to forget (on purpose) its devine nature, in order to have this unique experience. Then as awareness grows, one comes back to one's true essence and sees things in a more unity conscious way. Meaning that we are all connected, that we are all indeed god(experiencing itself). The illusion is to make it appear otherwise through the ego.
Correct me if I''m wrong but don't christians judge others based on a rather narrow, view of spirituality(all based on a questionable book). This is the same kind of view that they deam as "cultish" when other's hold a different narrow view. Hmmmmmmmm
God energy is expansive, intricate, open, infinite, complete.
Does this even begin to fit a societal "story" that the bible tales exude. From how to treat your slaves, to when its okay to have many wives (sometimes your own daughters), etc, etc.
Open up and FEEL what I am saying beyond ANY external story that has been unquestioningly handed to you. You owe it to yourself to be free of this very limiting view (trap).
When one's rationality takes a holidy one is easy prey to dogma. The christian (hipocritical) term that fits this type of situation is CULT!
Break free if you are ready to explore the vastness of who you REALLY are.
....because they are written, edited and messed with by men. Men with axes to grind.
"If you don't believe the bible, what do you have?"
A healthy spiritual mindset for starters where you remain open to all possibilities. You lose your fear and you gain a balanced view that begins to make sense because it isn't shrouded in hipocricy. The bellowing gawd from the bible, the tyrannt figure who says love mer OR ELSE, vanishes like a childhood bogey man. When that happens, alot of fear leaves with it.
Correct me if I''m wrong but don't christians judge others based on a narrow, rahter than a larger view of spirituality. The same kind of view that they deam as "cultish" in other's views. Of course they are mirroring their own, very limited and precarious view.
God energy is expansive, intricate, open, infinite, complete.
Does this even begin to fit a societal "story" that the bible tales exude. From how to treat your slaves, to when its okay to have many wives (sometimes your own daughters), etc, etc.
When one's rationality takes a holidy one is easy prey to dogma. The christian (hipocritical) term is CULT!