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Leaving Dogma...All passengers board at gate 8
Blue Stone Views: 2,323
Published: 20 y
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Leaving Dogma...All passengers board at gate 8

...and millions are tortured and killed in the name of "your" idea of God.

Thousands of churches are being built while many starve.

Religions spawn more religions as ego seperates mankind further.

Scripture is used as a weapon to justify hate crimes.

If you look honestly and carfully at your questions you may find your answers. Trading one confused belief system for another does not get to the "heart" of the matter and in many cases causes worse problems.

"if we are our own god,and allowed to do as we please,no rules, no line in the sand. where does it end."

It ends with the final notion that we are all one and that it makes no sense in harming yourself because that will also harm you. This is a realization that higher conscious beings have. Beings that continue to run old software continue filtering through dense ego and committ all the crimes you suggested in your post whether out of religious dogma or other societal dogma.

The universe is a patient place. We are all raising are awareness.

Karma is at play... an immutable law of the universe. What you interpret as do unto others...(sound familiar?)

Of course society, in the collective story, has their collective rules.

I pose this question to you. In a nation where there is an estimated 80% belief in a "biblical god entity" why are your crime rates among the highest in the world, yet in other countries where other belief systems predominate they are among the lowest?

I have a good idea why this you?

Are you familiar with the laws of attraction? Thats where you will find your answer. An answer that doesn't leave you dangling in dogma.


...and millions are tortured and killed in the name of "your" idea of God.

Thousands of churches are being built while many starve.

Religions spawn more religions as ego seperates mankind further.

Scripture is used as a weapon to justify hate crimes.

If you look honestly and carfully at your questions you may find your answers. Trading one confused belief system for another does not get to the "heart" of the matter and in many cases causes worse problems.

"if we are our own god,and allowed to do as we please,no rules, no line in the sand. where does it end."

It ends with the final notion that we are all one and that it makes no sense in harming yourself because that will also harm you. This is a realization that higher conscious beings have. Beings that continue to run old software continue filtering through dense ego and committ all the crimes you suggested in your post whether out of religious dogma or other societal dogma.

The universe is a patient place. We are all raisning are awareness.

Karma is at play... an immutable law of the universe. What you interpret as do unto others...

Of course socitey in the collective story has their collective rules.

I pose this question to you. In a nation where there is an estimated 80% belief in a "biblical god entity" why are your crime rates among the highest in the world, yet in other countries where other belief systems predominate they are among the lowest?

I have a good idea why this you?

Are you familiar with the laws of attraction? Thats where you will find your answer. An answer that doesn't leave you dangling in dogma.



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