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Re: The Ten Commandments WAS the "law".
been there done that Views: 1,550
Published: 21 y
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Re: The Ten Commandments WAS the "law".

The Ten Commandments was a PICTURE of PERFECTION that showed us the standard that must be met in order to be Godlike. That standard of perfection itself still stands as what WOULD be required in order to be Godlike, but is no longer LEGALLY BINDING on us because the PENALTY (death) for failure was paid by (the sacrificial "LAMB of GOD") Jesus on the Cross. The Old Testament provides very valuable background, principles, parables and contrast (especially between the Pharisees and the Good Samaritan), it is NOT invalid. The O.T. explains our heritage and development since before the fall in the Garden of Eden when our earthly parents ate of the Tree of conscience (Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil) and how our Heavenly Father has cared for us every step of the way. I was trying to make the point that FULFILLMENT of the requirements of the law is a superior goal over PURE AND SIMPLE (blind) obedience of the written word. IN HUMAN TERMS, pure and simple OBEDIENCE does not require any PERSONAL CAPACITY. Simple obedience does not require:

initiative or freewill (Philemon verse 14).
conscientious and compassionate behavior.
judicious discretion.
PERSONAL ethics.
altruism (unselfish concern for others).

Salvation is only one part of being a Christian, spiritual growth is another and will continue forever on this earth. Spiritual growth through the Holy Spirit involves FULFILLING rather than simply obeying like a zombie or robot. Unlike a bookworm, words are not our passion, Jesus is.


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