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I need some help re: the issue of "speaking in tongues"
bevpirt Views: 2,591
Published: 21 y

I need some help re: the issue of "speaking in tongues"

A friend sent me the following link and I have read some of it. From what I can gather, the author is stating that the only "speaking in tongues" is a currently spoken language that someone else can understand. All other is pagan/demonic.

But I have also heard reports from individuals of the following:

1. Missionaries in Russia speaking in their native English, but what they heard come out of their mouths was Russian, so they did understand what they were saying as well as the people they were preaching to.

2. At another evangelism meeting in America, the preacher was, of course, preaching in English, but there were some people attending who were from some remote place like Moravia (?) and they did not speak one word of English, but they understood what the preacher was saying in their own language. They heard the gospel in their own language.

Toonces or Ev or someone who has a lot more knowledge about this, please share some other links and your insights.

I know this is a very controversial subject and I am not trying to stir up ire. Does anybody feel comfortable discussing this? Thanks.




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