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Re: water after 2:00pm
Anja Views: 1,327
Published: 22 y
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Re: water after 2:00pm

Thanks for your reply! how late did you continue drinking water? Do you know why they recommend against drinking it after 2:00PM? My most major symptom is severe headaches, many of which I can feel a direct connection with my liver & gallbladder. I'm of course worried about being up all night barfing, as I know people have done, but worse than that I'm concerned my gallbladder will sort of freak out and get all inflamed or something and send me into one of those excruciating headaches that can last for days on end. I totally can't function when that happens, and I'm self-employed with daily, demanding work deadlines. I took a couple days off to recover, and I hope that's enough. How do you usually fare in the bowel department? The Epsom Salts sound like really intensive laxative, and I've had quite a bit of imbalances over the years. I know the point is to dilate the bile ducts, so I guess I will go ahead and use them, even though I have reservations about whether a huge hit of sodium like that can be detrimental. Well, I guess I should assume that the whole thing will be smooth sailing and not worry about it....


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