I've been reading and posting under a different user name for the past year (DianePMT). Working on Candida, just started the Body Ecology diet about a week ago. planning to do liver/gallbladder flush tomorrow night. Have problems with low blood sugar, and don't typically do well with fasting - I usually get a headache and kind of shaky if I go for more than 5 or 6 hours without food. Trying to decide what to eat for lunch the day of flush that will keep my sugars up a bit. I don't know if there is a fat-free protein I can do. Also really questioning the rationale of not drinking water after 2pm, particularly with all the sodium in the Epsom Salts . I have read that some people go ahead and hydrate as much as they need and still do fine - any thoughts on these topics would be much appreciated. I'm really, really nervous....