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Just from me, It was never done in a direct manner
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Just from me, It was never done in a direct manner

It was always about Yogi Bhajan, and he does not deserve it! Any public figure has dirt..Rick Ross is entitled to his opinion..but truly as enchanted gardener said, he had wisdom...Truth be told, as with all guru's..he had women lined up to have him...he did not rape man or woman as Thorn suggested but did not come out and say...I have never treated anyone's blog the way mine one's...because as you suggest Spirit...I have less power..I have always taken the most hits with the least ability to defend myself...I can not hide messages, lock messages, poof postings etc...I have always stood firm that all sides should be heard..To attack a person other than me..when the attack is meant for me...well
that's a form of cowardness...I on the other hand post ideas..or even rebuttals-if curezone is not a place for that especially in a blog..then mistake.

anything I write my blog is open I addressed James with civillity even tho I could have asked forhis post to be removed...If I say everyone should have a voice then how can I be integrally aligned by asking for James to be removed.

As for the 2 mod's--It would probably be helpful to know who the two mod's are ..and then their own behavior should be calculated into the equation. Too much goes on below the surface...they want to hide messages and boot posters, and lock messages without any reason but "they can"

There is definitely a double standard, but it oplays silently in the background without really any rules than I just think I don't like you, maybe I've disagreed with a concept...Too many of us have been 'selected" to be harassed of Curezone. Did eveyone notice as soon as I was silent a day..everyone was wildly posting..ding dong the witch is dead

As Wrenn said "Other Mod's did it too, not just me (hiding/deleting KY posts) I believe her, but does that give an open representation of what goes on behind the scenes..? Also, "If Spirit didn't agree he would've unhid the messages" I really don't know...On our side of the fence we can't see or know...and that is why the little games are played with posts etc...If there really are count on able rules..then they have not been applied equally..and almost everyone here knows it-or has experienced...Most do not stand up as I...they'd already be gone..with the awful stuff that has been said about me via Yogi Bhajan...We all know it was meant for me...not really him

So that's how it should've been played-straight-if it's me you have a problem with don't blame yogi Bhajan...I can communicate my thoughts to you...civilly-ask James Q

I can say I have never treated anyone the way I have been treated...and the posts on my blogs were after much provocation, and many behind the scenes games...And general poor sportsmanship...and some bullying- I just stood up- someone finally stood up.



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