My answer
"A question for YOU, Webmaster, is... do you want this site to be DramaZone, or CureZone?"
"Get a clear image in your head of what direction you want the site to move in, then all other decisions like this shoudl be simple."
"Once you have a clear goal and direction, you can ask "Is this material beneficial or detrimental to where I want to take CureZone?""
The main problem is that blogs don't belong to me.
Blogs belong to blog owners, and they are the webmasters there.
Who am I to decide if every single message inside every single blog is "beneficial or detrimental to where I want to take CureZone"
I have no time for reading all blogs, or all messages.
"There is a lot of senseless drama all over CureZone, and it seems to be getting worse and worse. There is a wealth of good information on the site, but it seems to be rapidly becoming overwhelmed by all the drama and useless crap. Should people have to wade through all this nonsense to find actually helpful information?"
How do you remove the "senseless drama" without creating more "senseless drama".
Every action on curezone creates reaction.
"I hate commenting specifically on this situation because whichever way I lean, someone's going to get upset at me. But.... I have seen a fair amount of 9thbody's recent blogs naming and targetting specific people, with pretty obvious intent... aren't there rules regarding this? I'm pretty sure there are. And, as much as I want to remain unbiased, 9th does have a history of doing this kind of thing from what I've seen. However, although Lapis and Wrenn have been exposing a false guru, they also shouldn't be surprised that it's gotten 9th riled up..."
"I can't say either party is at fault, or that either party is totally innocent. The real fault lies in the hands of those that allow this senseless drama to go on and on and on.... wait, isn't that you? :)"
That is me.
"EDIT: I also want to say that this one post of 9th that you included here does NOT give any indiciation of the full scope of everything that's been going on, on "both sides of the fence"... asking people to choose based on this one post seems kind of silly, when there has beena lot more involved, for quite some time.
Sorry, I have not had enough time for digging 150 or 550 hodden and deleted messages ...
Thank you for your opinion.