Re: spermlike condition in vision field (not floaters)
I have the exact same thing as you. Very good description, calling them 'sperms' because that is EXACTLY what they look like.
I have dark grey/black floaters as well. I usually don't notice them, but when I read an all white sheet of paper, white or light colored internet page, look at a white wall, or look up at a clear sky - I see them.
What I can do is while I see them, I can focus on them individually. Once I do this, the actually dark spot starts to open up and turns into an ameoba (sp?) and gradually gets bigger, until it is out of my vision. Unfortunatley, they never go away ( I started noticing them when I was about 10 years old - I am now 25).
Regarding the sperms...I see these when I zone out - or 'stare off into space'. They start swimming around - I swear it is exactly like looking at sperm under a microscope!!! Weird $hit, isn't it?
I haven't really looked into it since I was very young. The eyedoctor and doctor didn't seem to have ANY ADVICE AT ALL for me - which was very encouraging (feel the sarcasm?).
In any event, we seem to not be alone in this bizarre phenomenon. I just hope somebody can find some relief/a cure.