In regards to the pain, I notice it after meals, after bowel movements, after enemas! It's there all the time, but varies in intensity. It also varies location. I will get severe pain on the right lower side, along the transverse colon, but mostly on the lower left side. Lately, I've had daily generalized throbbing/burning in the entire area, and it might be due to some foods. I'm thinking it might be lentils and soy. Since I started doing enemas, I have less bloating and practically no gas, unless I eat animal food. But after the enema, my left side especially is in severe pain. Could I just be raw from so many years of constipation? God knows, I've tried aloe vera, slippery elm, chlorophyll, etc- and they only help temporarily. I'm now just taking acidopholus, flax/bentonite and started an alfalfa tablet after each meal.
If it is some sort of bacterial infection, what can be done naturally? Would the parasite cleanse help that, too?