Yes..and this also
The Love of God is the greatest of all, and I can't begin to tell you Lapis how much I Love even you who it seems wants to make the Word of God out to be like p 0 r n. The enormous difference is when the Bible talks about those unseemly things, it is doing it for the purpose to teach the reader that it isn't what is desired by God to be unholy, unrighteous, and unloving. We all make mistakes. Jesus died, for us to live with Him. But He wants us to want Him, and if we don't want Him, He won't force us since that wouldn't be love. If you understand that and want Him, He will accept you, and you will be His. It doesn't mean that all of a sudden that you will be perfect, as the Bible shows us even the most wonderful of men in the Bible were not perfect, Only Jesus was.
Love is what we are to strive for, though we fail often. And the reason for that striving isn't to be self righteous, but to show Jesus how much we love him by loving others, even the unlovely.
When someone posts something on one of the forums, and I read and agree with it I don't nessalary (Wish I had spell check) respond by posting, since someone did, and what can I add, so Lapis I didn't respond during that discussion even though I said "we" . I hope you understand, I am not the best when it comes to putting down what I mean, so if someone else does, I just say "Amen" and read on.
Lapis I understand you are very bright, but the word of God makes it clear that the knowledge of this world isn't even to compare with His understanding. Even if you knew everything that could be known in this world you would not know even a drop in the bucket compared to Him, so why try. Just accept Him and allow Him to show you how much He loves you. This is my prayer for you, Lapis!