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Image Embedded To LiveBetterServeJesus and others following the "p 0 r n" Thread.
Lapis Views: 1,746
Published: 22 y

To LiveBetterServeJesus and others following the "p 0 r n" Thread.

I left a couple messages to a previous message of yours that got burried in the pile so I thought I'd repost at least one of those responses here. It deals with "p 0 r n" in the very book you like to use as a measuring stick for the judgement of others.

First here is your original message with responses to follow.

LiveBetterServeJesus Says:
"There is good and evil.
Those that try to make the world one big grey area are hypocrits.
Why do you choose not to murder? Because society (hopefully your parents) taught you that was wrong. And who taught them? And who taught them?..... Someone, somewhere down the line made up a list of rules to live by so that we would treat each other with respect.
And most societies follow some of them. Who made the rules? GOD. Who created a reason to make up the list in the first place? SATAN.

p 0 r n is destructive and evil. There is nothing good that comes from p 0 r n.
Take for instance strip clubs (gentlemen's clubs... Ha...please.) The human brain was not meant to be teased into a friendze (by strippers) and then what....the girls leave the stage!?! What about that excitement from the blood pumping throughout your body? Your body was getting ready to have sex. Now add some alcohol to these raging hormones. (Good combo) In most states, the strip clubs do have a closing hour, so where are these guys going to go now? Hang out after closing to meet these girls that teased them all night? Are you under the dilusion that you have a chance with them? Do you think they will give you any attention after closing?
So, before, in the club, during the show, if you flash them your wad (of cash), they will pay all kinds of attention to you. Dance for you, flirt, etc... but now that the show is over; the girls are ready to go home (with your money). Now how do you feel? Someone that you gave plenty of attention to (and alot of your money that you worked hard all week to make) wants to be away from you, doesn't want you to follow them, but wouldn't mind if you showed up tomorrow night or next weekend (during her next show) so she can get more of your money.
Are you content? Are you happy the way this p 0 r n life thing is going? Maybe you'll go home to a sleeping wife, who had a rough day and really needed your attention earlier, but doesn't want it now (by being woken up to satisfy your horny fantasies). Maybe you come home to an empty house. The women that actually chose to be in your life earlier had enough of your p 0 r n because they could never measure up. So you turn to the internet. Or a magazine. Or stop by some all-night video store for a movie. You probably won't get much sleep that night...all those fantasies need some acting out somehow. Your brain and body are still primed for action.
And the next day, it starts all over again. You have a need for something that isn't real and you will never satisfy it. You are addicted. Even if you only do it on the weekends. Even if you only watch it with your spouse.
God created sexual intercourse for humans and animals to reproduce. And because we have such complex brains, he gave us pleasure sensors in our bodies so we would do it. (The animals have instincts, plus I don't think they get alot of pleasure from it...have you ever seen cats mate? Male animals kill each other for a few moments with a female.) So because of these sensors, God also gave us some rules to follow, so we wouldn't get into trouble. Alot of people ignore these rules, and look at the trouble the world is in. I bet p 0 r n was really big in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Wouldn't a better life be that you work hard at your job (hopefully a job you enjoy) and bring that paycheck home to save for the future, or improve your home? Maybe you already have a wife that has stuck with you, through job losses and changes, through deaths and illnesses in your family. And yes, as you BOTH age, her looks will change, but so will yours. Since you made the choice to marry (until death do you part), don't you want her to enjoy her life with you, without having to compete for your attention? And don't forget your kids. You only have them for 18 years in your house full-time. That time will fly by. If you invest in them, they will be there for you later. Do you think they will care for you when your 5th young wife leaves you on your deathbed (because you are out of money), when you ignored them as they grew up?
This life can be SOOO GOOD! You just have to make the right choices about how you spend your time NOW to develop lasting relationships that will carry you through your senior years.
No time spent with a girlie mag or strip show is worth losing your family's respect."


While Were on the Topic of p 0 r n...

...and seeing as you like to point out the ways of the world and how "p 0 r n" should be shunned by all, then I think its fair for some insightful referencing from the very same book that is inspiring your "truths". Perhaps, by your own standards, the Bible should be deemed as p 0 r n o g r a p h i c. Shall we take a little look and see?

"Yet she multiplied her whoredomes, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein, she played the harlot in the land of Egypt. For she doted upon her paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is as the issue of horses."

-Ezekiel 23: 19-20

Need I explain that "doted" represents excessive sexual love, that "flesh" is a euphemism for penis, and "issue" means "semen"?

Keep in mind that this is a publically accessible book, whereas pop culture p 0 r n is required by law to come with an age restriction warning(as it should).

Shall we move on?

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man." (Genesis 2:23)

"And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. And she again bare his brother Abel. and Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground." (Genesis 4:1-2)

"And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch..." (Genesis 4:17)

Since Eve came from Adam and due to God's edict to "be fruitful and multiply," this describes the first incestual relationship.

In 4:17 one must infer incest for Cain would have had to have sex with either his own mother, Eve, or an unnamed sister. Unless ofcourse an randy little angel just happened to "help out".

For other examples of Biblical incest see Gen. 20:12 where Abraham married his half-sister Sarah; Gen. 19:30-38 where Lot's daughters had intercourse with him; Gen. 38:16 where Tamar had sex with her father-in-law Judah.

Shall we continue? Okay, lets.

How about this little erotic tale of layin and slayin.
"And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him. And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he slew him also." (Genesis 38:7-10)

The term "onanism," from the name Onan, has come to stand for self-gratification which has suffered a fate similar to sodomy in the sense that it has evolved to have a meaning far different from its original usage.

Dictionaries define onanism as "male self-gratification" or "Uncompleted coitus." According to interpretations of the Bible, Onan removed his penis from his partner's vagina before he ejaculated so that his seed fell onto the ground. This displeased God so much that he killed him! Onanism has also received a another definition of "self pollution" which has caused misery throughout the centuries. God killed Onan because, rather than to impregnate his brother's wife-- thus extending his line, Onan chose to interrupt his coitus before he could impregnate Tamar. Onan had a logical reason for doing so, one that involved Jewish law of those ancient days. During Biblical times, any child born to the wife of the eldest son died without heirs - and if his wife had no children sired by a relative of her dead spouse - then the dominance would pass to the second son. Onan stood to lose a great deal if he complied with his father's order. Had he been asked to marry his brother's wife, thus transferring her to his possession, he no doubt would have completed the act. Then the resultant child would have been his, legally as well as physically.

Some time during the centuries, the character of the sinful act was changed. Instead of being recognized as a seldom performed interrupting of coitus, it became accepted as any form of self-stimulation that resulted in orgasm, and the entire character of the deed became altered. Onanism came to mean a sinful act of self-gratification! This has resulted in a general bad impression of self-gratification even in secular beliefs. For example many a parent has told his son not to spank the monkey for fear of going blind. I'll tell you right now that I need glasses. *wink*

The Bible also contains other p 0 r nograpic episodes, including the menage a trois between Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar, approved by God. Even the genealogy of Jesus includes Tamar, who had children born of incest, and Bathsheba, who had children born of adultery. Judges 19:24-25 describes the gang rape of a daughter approved by the father. And on and on it goes.

Perhaps the following label should be mandatory on all Bible's

..and the can of spilled worms continues to crawl.



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