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Re: Very important question for Lapis out there...
dewyeyes Views: 3,442
Published: 22 y
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Re: Very important question for Lapis out there...

Please bare with me while I ask you yet another question.

Yes, after reading so many posts, I have come to realize that I will need to do many more flushes before I start seeing the benefits. I was so deathly afraid of it before because of my first experience and also just because I felt so alone in the whole thing. Now I find all these people here who have been doing this safely for a long time! It has really helped to calm my fears knowing that you all are here and have succeeded in this without surgery.

But drinking OO (Olive-Oil) is still disgusting to me. :-) Nevertheless, I intend now to do as many flushes as it takes to improve my health cause I am tired of being sick. I read here that some have gotten rid of their allergies (which I suffer with) and some have gotten rid of their ulcers (which I suffer with.) If they can do it, so can I! I can't wait!

However, after having some poor experiences, I really need to have a good one for a change. I hope to flush tomorrow night. I want to know what to expect from the magnecium chloride. I realize everyone is different but if you could just let me know how it affects you - more specifically, then I could at least have a reference point to look at. (You see, I am inclined to go back to that first recipe with no salts or any dialator but you have advised not to do that. Yet I need to understand it. When I understand how it works then I have more confidence in what I am doing.)

So how about a more specific question and one that is important to me: are you able to sleep the whole night thru before the mag.c. starts to work on you and you have to go to the john? Do you get that important "marble feeling" even when you're using the mag.c.?

You said in your last post that things seem to get flowing after a few hours (2 or 3 hrs?) with the mag. c. Could you be more specific? Does this mean that you had to go to the john even before you drank your OO (Olive-Oil) mixture? Or could you just feel the magnesium doing it's job and moving things around inside?

I know I can't expect a perfect flush (getting lots of stones out) but I want to know how this works more specifically so that I can "treak it" as you said to my particular bodily reactions. And too, I guess I am more anxious this time to get stones out because I have so much pressure and pain on my gallbladder and liver ever since that severe gallbladder attack 2 weeks ago. I can hardly digest anything either and have much nausea. So I need some relief badly! I know there is something there that needs to come out, I can feel it all the time.

thanks for putting up with me.



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