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Hey Duck & Lapis :-)

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Clarkia Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Cleansing Tincture, 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

dewyeyes Views: 3,543
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 591,667

Hey Duck & Lapis :-)

You guys are so kind to be here and help me. When you say no eggs, dairy, red meat, there doesn't seem to be much left over to eat. I am so accustomed to hi protein eating for yeast problems, it's hard to make the switch. I have been in the habit of eating nuts for quick midday snacks, now I can't and don't know what else to eat instead.

You mentioned eating fruits & veges, well that is what I am doing but it concerns me because most fruits are full of carbs. I can feel the yeast trying to come back already because of all the carbs, so I am taking lots of caprylic acid to ward it off. My trouble too is while I don't feel well, I still have to come up with meals for my husband who works very hard long hours. Of course, I don't want to cook two different meals - who has energy for that? So far, I manage to cook for him and just have fruit for myself while he eats supper. I am eating oatmeal for breakfast but again it concerns me because of the carbs. The last flush I did was last year(summer) and almost nothing came out and I felt awful. I have a hunch that I have a large stone blocking the way so I want to make sure that I soften it up before doing flush again.

I found Cure Zone over one week ago when I couldn't sleep due to the worst gallbladder attack I have had to date. The pain was severe and nausea great - didn't vomit thankfully. I have been looking at all the info and reading many posts but had not seen anyone with yeast problems as well as gallbladder problems. In addition, I have ulcers. So even though I started the malic acid yesterday, I don't know if I will be able to continue it. The acid is very painful to my ulcer problem. If I continue it, it might just make ulcers worse.

I feel so congested and bloated that I am very anxious to do a flush immediately but don't want to act too hasty because of that large stone that needs to come out. I can't eat much at all because it seems I am always full anyway and yet I feel very hungry. I have hypoglycemia (spelling) so I am drinking soymilk for protein (must have a source of protein.) I hate all these health problems which conflict with each other! Frustration!

Well guys thanks for your kindness and generousity. By the way, you asked which flush I plan to use: I truly haven't made up my mind yet. I have looked all the ones listed on Cure Zone and plan to choose one soon. It will probably be Dr. Clark's but without so much Espom Salts. I find I have a very violent reaction to it and it uses up all the stored bile early before the olive oil has a chance to work on pushing out stones.

By the way, I am fearful of doing flush this time cause of that big stone (if I can't soften it enough - might it get stuck?) (Also can't use Gold coin grass because of the alcohol in it.) Gallbladder is very tender and may be inflamed. Also, liver area is tender to touch as well. Nausea comes and goes.

Thanks again,


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