Re: lets make a list!!
What a great job you have done, yemaya, lot's of research!
Since I have successfully conquered my candida overgrowth (twice), I'd like to add a few more things.
In the initila phase I avoided EVERYTHING fermented, that includes miso, tempeh, all vinegars, cheese.
I personally did not( and do not still) do well with soy milk, so substituted with rice milk or made my own nut milk by throwing a handful of almonds or other nuts in the blender, grinding them, then adding water, and blending.
Since Candida overgrowth causes all kinds of
food sensitivities ,
food that may be on the O.K.list of some general candida diets may be O.K. for one person but not for the other.
Shell fish is very very difficult to digest, and for that reason not a good idea for someone who's immune system is already compromised.
Keep up your spirit!
I know it feels tough in the beginning, but things will get better!