Hi Chaz and daisymae, I've been giving this some more thought and remembered that I've known several people who got colon cancer 6 years after quitting smoking. They didn't have any other symptoms like me and my U/C (a pre-cancerous condition), they just all of a sudden got cancer. They were all very surprised and upset because they'd quit smoking to avoid cancer and here it is anyway. I suspect they got cancer because they quit. I realize that not everybody who quits gets sick physically, but an awful lot of them become very bad tempered, even obsessive.
I've long thought that people only get obsessed about things that they desperately want or need. I think the mental health of these people would improve if they allowed themselves to sit down with a cup of coffee and a cig. and relax. Maybe some that antipyschotic property would kick in.
daizymae, I've heard that France grows pesticide-free tobacco. Where did you get yours from?