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Re: The Tobacco Holocaust
PatriciaM Views: 2,360
Published: 20 y
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Re: The Tobacco Holocaust

I have several thoughts on this topic:

One of my neighbours used to smoke and got lung cancer. When the tumor was removed it was found to be full of pesticides. She used to spray her fruit trees with pesticides without wearing a mask. So, she didn't get cancer from smoking after all.

I live in a senoir's complex and many of my neighbours smoke and have done so since their teens - myself included. They seem to be just as healthy as the ones who don't smoke. Several have had oral cancer and most of those didn't smoke.

I wonder how addictive tobacco really is, or is it that some people have addictive personalities. I smoke 13 gigs. a day and have done so for many years - it wards off ulcerative colitis. I had a neighbour who smoked 3 a day for about 60 years, and I have a friend who smokes 1 a day, again to ward off U/C.

I used to get dire warnings from friends that smoking would cut my life short. Every single one of these friends are now dead. I'm in perfect health - mostly due to drinking energized water, and, I think, smoking.


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