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Re: The Tobacco Holocaust
daizymae Views: 2,386
Published: 20 y
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Re: The Tobacco Holocaust

Hi, friend. Your article on the phony ADD/ADHD diagnosis is spot-on, but Tobacco Holocaust? This "holocaust" is no worse than the Alcohol Holocaust. Yet the powers-that-be, the white-wine socialists who want to engineer the world according to their own prejudices won'tlook at alcohol in the same critical way. We're just told "don't drink & drive" and that's it for alcohol education & control.

To get seriously ill from Tobacco, you have to smoke a lot for a long period of time,and in some cases you won't be seriously afected at all - look at all those old buggers in their 70's and 80's, still active and puffing away - no asthma! no emphysema! no cancer! My dad was one, and there's countless more. But with alcohol - to damage or even kill others, you don't have to be a problem drinker or a regular drinker,even. You just have to get drunk ONCE. And you don't necessarily have to be driving a car, either. You can ruin your life making a fool of yourself or picking a fight - from one drinking session. Tobacco and smokers should not be vilified as they are in Hollywood films, where they are always the bad guy, or at least the Stupid One. But drunkenness and alcohol consumption in the movies are seen as cool or sexy or funny or all three. \\I'd sure like to see you Tobacco-is-Holocaust folks subject alcohol consumers to the same level of critical scrutiny as smokers,not to mention outright vilification.


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